Aetherius Society

Aetherius Society
Formation August 1955
Purpose/focus Spiritual group
Headquarters Los Angeles, California and London, England
Membership circa 650[1]

The Aetherius Society was founded by Dr George King (1919–1997), an English-born Master of Yoga, occultist, alleged spiritual healer and UFO Contactee. The society was first established in London in 1955, and later becoming incorporated in America as a not-for-profit organisation in 1960. Its guiding principle is 'Service to Humanity'. The Aetherius Society also holds the 'Mother Earth' in high regard, believing the planet to be 'a great cosmic intelligence' which has 'allowed' mankind to reside here. As such the society's activities include the 'radiation of Spiritual Energies' back to the 'Mother Earth' as a "token repayment for the energy mankind has taken from Her for countless ages." This is in "recognition for the spiritual status of Earth as a Great Cosmic Entity in her own right."[2] Its teachings combine the spiritual teachings of yoga, with others received through the yogic mediumship of King in the channelling of so-called advanced extraterrestrial beings.[3] It has been described as a UFO religion.[4][5][6]

According to King, the Aetherius Society got its name from 'The Master Aetherius', the same Intelligence who gave him 'The Command' to prepare himself as a channel for 'Interplanetary Parliament.' The name 'Aetherius' is a pseudonym and was derived from the Latin word aether (ether), which in turn came from the Greek aither.[7] One might translate 'Aetherius' to mean 'Pertaining to the Ether.'[8][9]


Founding: The Aetherius Society's view

'The Command'

Prior to purportedly receiving his first known contact with 'Space People', George King had a varied career. During the war he had served with distinction in the National Fire Service. After the war, with an earnest desire to understand the real causes of man's suffering and answers to life's great problems, King is said to have devoted himself to the practice of various forms of Yoga, including Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. He is said to have practised this for eight to tens hours per day for around ten years, and is said to have culminated in the attainment of 'Samadhi' or Enlightenment.[10][11]

On May 8, 1954 George King, then in London, England, is said to have had his initial contact with a 'Cosmic Intelligence', referred to under the pseudonym Aetherius. King later described 'Him' as being a 'Cosmic Master' who had taken upon himself the role of helping lesser evolved worlds, such as Earth, as far as karma will allow.[12] This contact referred to as 'The Command' is described as having taken the form of a loud and apparently physical voice, which said simply, "Prepare Yourself! You are to become the Voice of Interplanetary Parliament."

Contact with an Eastern Yogi master

King maintained he was contacted 8 days later, by a well known, though unnamed, Indian master while he was attempting to enter a state of deep meditation in order to discover the truth about this mysterious 'Space Contact.'[13] King claimed that the yogi entered by walking straight through a locked door and proceeded to dispel any lingering doubts he harboured about his unworthiness to become a channel, or voice, for higher intelligences. King claimed that the being initiated him into a yogic exercise, the careful practice of which brings about Astral Travel and ability to travel from the physical body in such a way that full memories of all the experiences gained are retained by the traveller. He stated that a group of willing helpers would be brought into his orbit and that he would receive a letter from a school of yoga in London which he should attend for some months and diligently practise the exercises he learned there.

King said the letter arrived as predicted and he spent hours practising the exercises and pranayama, and as a result was able to 'tune in' and telepathically receive the kind of extraterrestrial communications the society calls "Cosmic Transmissions." These are believed to come from an extraterrestrial intelligence code-named Aetherius, as well as other advanced intelligences from within this solar system.

Following 'The Command' King left his former life behind him and claimed that the various communicators began using him as a channel for "Transmissions", often in public, in the Caxton Hall, London. Because of the sensitivity of the trance condition employed, King said that this condition was a very dangerous one.

Founding of The Aetherius Society in London 1955

George King founded the Aetherius Society in London on August 1955 as a Metaphysical Organisation, claiming it to be upon the directions of 'Intelligences' from other planets, together with instructions from The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, also referred to as The Great White Brotherhood.[14] During this period King lectured extensively and brought together a group of like-minded individuals wanting to dedicating themselves to the Service of Humanity. He says he received numerous 'Transmissions' from various 'Cosmic Intelligences' which became recorded for future posterity in a bi-monthly magazine called "Cosmic Voice."

Incorporated in America 1960

Instructed by 'Cosmic Intelligences' to present himself in America, Dr King came to the United States in June 1950. It soon became incorporated as a non-profit metaphysical, education and spiritual organisation in November 1960.


When George King was alive he was the President of the Aetherius Society with an International Board of Directors who were happy to defer to his wisdom in their belief that he was 'Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel' for advanced intelligences, as well as a Master of Yoga in his own right. After his demise in 1997 there was no one to replace him as President, but he took great care in setting up a democratically based administration of the Society so that it could be run as efficiently and as fairly as possible into the future. The structure that he devised is basically divided into three sections:

1) The International Directors - The legal and administrative arm of the Aetherius Society

2) The Senior Engineering Officers - Who oversee the Missions performed by The Aetherius Society

3) The Ecclesiastical Synod - consisting of Bishops and Priests who oversee the religious section such as ordinations, services, pilgrimages and other Initiations.[15][16]

The Society has headquarters in Hollywood, California, which is the administration centre for America and Australasia, and Fulham Road, London, England, which deals with affairs for the rest of the world. The Society has Branches around the world, as well as smaller official Groups (or Twelve Blessings Groups, which meet for the purpose of holding services together).[17]

The group's tax exempt status was recognized by the US in 1960. This was three decades before the recognition of the Church of Scientology and a decade before Raëlism existed. In the UK the Society is an unincorporated association.


The society's membership, although international in composition, is not very large, consisting of approximately 650 members as of 1993.[1]

Associate membership

Associate Members are required to observe July 8 as The Primary Initiation of Earth Commemoration which is held annually, as this is considered their most holiest day in their calendar. As well as this they are expected to take part in certain other activities such as 'The Twelve Blessings Service' and others. Associate members cannot earn Certificates of Merit.

Full membership

Full members observe the July 8 celebration of 'The Primary Initiation of Earth,' as well as 13 other official Commemorations, observed by The Aetherius Society. Full members help the Aetherius Society through regular attendance at lectures, seminars, classes, workshops, Special Power Circles, Twelve Blessings Circles and Divine Services. Full Members are also eligible to receive certificates of merit for the hard work they have performed for their chosen spiritual order.


After three years as a Full Member and at least two certificates of merit a member is then able to apply for the Temple Order Examination in order to assess the applicants familiarity and comprehension of The Aetherius Society Teachings. After a successful pass in this examination the Full Member is then Initiated into the Temple Order as a Member-Initiate.[18]


Basic introduction

The following is a list of core beliefs, drawn from the society's publications, talks, lectures and books:[19][20][21]

Shared beliefs with other traditions and organisations

Theosophy and Ascended Master teachings

The society's beliefs contain elements of the Ascended Master Teachings as well as Theosophy. Both share, in part at least, the occult traditions of both East and West. The society believes the world has been visited by advanced beings from other worlds throughout history, and that followings or religions sprung from the teachings of these individuals, although methods differed, the message was essentially the same; and that these individuals came at a time when the world most needed their guidance. But that mankind was responsible over time for corrupting and distorting the original teachings. The society believes Jesus to be a 'Cosmic Master' and one of several intelligences to have imparted 'teachings' through the 'transmissions' of George King. The major difference from other spiritual teachings and most Theosophical teachings is that the 'Transmissions', which form the base of the society's tutelage, show a marked concern with the hazards of atomic testing and of humanity's inability to monitor all of its effects or to control it. The society believes that the energy contained within the atom to be the fundamental energy of creation, and humanity's meddling with it as a "perversion of a holy energy", since all radioactivity is believed to "exist on at least seven octaves of manifestation, all of which affect us, but are not, for the most part measurable".[34]

In many of the early 'Transmissions', atomic energy persisted as a common subject of discussion. The society claims that the atomic accident in the Urals in 1958 was reported in one of them. This Transmission was published in its journal, Cosmic Voice, at the time, and lodged with the British Library. Other than that, details of the accident remained secret until the publication of information in New Scientist in 1976, through an interview with the exiled Soviet scientist, Dr. Zhores Medvedev who published a book about the disaster. The magazine, after reviewing evidence submitted to it by the society, subsequently admitted in print that it had been "Scooped by a UFO!"[35]

In 1986, King received advanced notice of a disaster soon to come, around four hours prior to the Chernobyl disaster, from his 'extraterrestrial contacts'.[36] The society claims to have activated its 'Spiritual Energy Radiators' in order to distribute energy and alleviate this disaster. The society claims that the calamity only became known after this activity ended. Radioactive particles from the incident were detected on Swedish nuclear power workers on April 27, one day after the incident.[37]

Another major divergence from Theosophical and other spiritual teachings is the emphasis on the already mentioned extraterrestrial concerns, including: Earth's involvement with UFO sightings, why alien life is involved with our planet at this moment, and existence of life-forms in our Solar System (especially nearby planets).[38]

Aims and objectives

The spiritual aims and objectives of The Aetherius Society include:[39]


The Aetherius Society's principles are based on service to humanity and the Earth, through the "radiation of spiritual energies." George King believed that such energies could be manipulated using physical equipment, using the principles of shape power and radionics.[40][41][42][43]

Following his initial 'contact' in 1954, King designed many items of equipment for this purpose. Probably the best known of these is the 'Spiritual Energy Battery.' Its precise design and composition are not in the public domain. Its purpose is to hold a "charge of spiritual energy for an indefinite period." When connected to a 'Spiritual Energy Radiator' (again designed by King), it can be 'discharged.'[44][45]

Operation Sunbeam

This 'Cosmic Mission', purportedly devised by George King himself, began on September 24, 1966, was said to be a means whereby 'spiritual energies' held within 19 Mountains could be sent "to Mother Earth as a token repayment" for the "vast amount of energy mankind has taken from 'Her' over countless centuries". These 'Spiritual Energies', believed to be held in a state of potential within these Mountains, charged in another Mission called Operation Starlight, were intended to be used for mankind. By "redirecting these energies to the Earth as an entity", Aetherians claim this creates a very powerful "karmic manipulation". King invented 'radionic apparatus' so that these 'energies' from the 19 Mountains could be "collected, stored and radiated to the Earth Herself", as an Entity.[46]

In 1980-81 this 'Cosmic Mission' was, according to Aetherians, further enhanced by "six unique individuals" who are believed to have come from other planets in this Solar System, known simply as the "Six Adepts." These 'Cosmic Intelligences' performed a 'Cosmic Mission' called 'Operation Space Magic' in which they are believed to have placed 'modules' on the planets Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. As a result, Aetherians believe that 'spiritual energies' could then be 'radiated' from these planets through millions of miles of space to a space vessel called "Satellite A-1" placed in orbit of Earth. Operation Sunbeam is said to use this Satellite so that specific energies from other worlds could then be used, in addition to the 'energies' contained within the 19 Mountains, as a potent "karmic manipulation."

Operation Starlight

Carried out between 1958 and 1961, George King is believed to have been 'instructed' to travel to certain mountains around the world, climb to a certain point and act as a "karmic anchor-point" for "energies to be radiated through him into the mountain." He claimed that these mountains could be used as "power-centres" or "spiritual batteries" for energy to be tapped by mankind in order to greatly enhance prayers sent out to the world. The climbs were made with a small team, often in winter and poor weather conditions. King's life was in danger on more than one occasion. One Christmas Eve was spent stranded overnight in pouring rain, high up on Mount Wakefield in New Zealand, with another member of the team, Keith Robertson. 19 mountains are believed to have been "charged" in this mission - 18 with King's presence. Mount Kilimanjaro is said to have been "charged" in a different way, without King's presence. Although some of these 'mountains' are not technically mountains, the term has apparently been used collectively. The Aetherius Society terms these places "Holy Mountains".

The 19 Holy Mountains

Operation Prayer Power

One of the 'Missions' that employs the 'Spiritual Energy Battery' to "collect, store, and release the subtle energies" invoked Operation Prayer Power. Devised by George King in 1973, this Mission is believed to increase the potency of prayer by bringing together a group of spiritually-minded people who can "radiate spiritual energy" at the same place, time, and in a certain way. This 'spiritual energy' can then be dispersed towards a specific objective, rather than as many smaller, less controlled, 'radiation points.' The results of this Mission, they claim, can be proven to anyone wanting to investigate it for themselves.[47] The official inauguration date of Operation Prayer Power is June 30, 1973.[48]

As an example, 1,000 "Prayer Hours" (The amount of spiritual energy invoked by one person praying with full concentration for one hour is termed one 'prayer hour'.) could be released from the Battery in 100 minutes or possibly less. The Society states that the 'spiritual energy' can be then distributed by cooperating 'Masters' to the area in need. The Aetherius Society believes that Operation Prayer Power and other such "missions" have averted, and helped relieved, many disasters.[44][45]

George King's titles

According to skeptic James Randi George King's titles of 'Reverend', 'Doctor' and 'Sir' are unverified.[49] The Aetherius Society state that 'His Eminence Sir George King' has numerous academic degrees, titles and honours bestowed upon him from Earthly and Cosmic Sources. Many of these are displayed in the Aetherius Society Branches and Headquarters.

In 1981 King was presented with the 'Prize of Peace and Justice' - which carried the title 'Knight of Humanity' - by H.S.H. Prince Guiseppe Pensavalle di Mitilene, President of the International Union of Christian Chivalry. In 1980, King was also dubbed 'Sir George King' by His Royal and Imperial Highness Prince Robert Khimchiachvili, the 74th Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta. In that same year, a Princedom was conferred on King by His Eminence, Archbishop Gautier of Paris, Archbishop of the Catholic Church - in recognition of King's 'work and sacrifice for humanity'. In 1986 King was nominated and given the Freedom of the City of London, and membership of the Freemen of England. In 1992 he was nominated for a Grant of Arms, or Letters Patent of Armorial Bearings, which was officially presented to 'The Most Reverend George King' by the Bluemantle Pursuivant of the College of Arms London, in a ceremonial presentation which took place in America. [50][51][52]

Works by The Aetherius Society



The Spiritual Sciences

Cosmic Wisdom



See below for external links to the above titles:

The Aetherius Society (America, Canada & Europe)

The Inner Potential Centre (London)


  1. ^ a b "membership figure". Retrieved 2009-09-16. 
  2. ^ King, George (198). Visit to the Logos of Earth. The Aetherius Society. ISBN 0-937249-11-4. 
  3. ^ King, George (May 1, 1998). Realize Your Inner Potential. London: The Aetherius Society. pp. 140. ISBN ISBN 0937249165. 
  4. ^ Partridge, Christopher Hugh (ed.) (2003) UFO Religions. Routledge. Chapter 4 Opening A Channel To The Stars: The Origins and Development of the Aetherius Society by Simon G. Smith pp. 84–102
  5. ^ James R. Lewis (ed.) (1995), The Gods have landed: new religions from other worlds (Albany: State University of New York Press),ISBN 0-7914-2330-1. p. .28
  6. ^ John A. Saliba‌ (2006). The Study of UFO Religions, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, November 2006, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 103–123.
  7. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "Origins of Aetherius". Retrieved 6/04/11. 
  8. ^ Crooks (late Adjunct Professor of ancient language in Dickinson College), G. R.; A.J Schem (Professor of Hebrew and Modern Languages in Dickinson College) (1861). A New Latin-English School Lexicon. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co. pp. 48. 
  9. ^ Anthon (Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages in Columbia College), Charles; Rev Joseph Esmond Riddle & Rev Thomas Kerchever Arnold (1849). A Copious and Critical English-Latin Lexicon. New York: Harper & Brothers. pp. 20. Retrieved 7/04/11. 
  10. ^ Blaze, Chrissie. "Tribute to a Western Master of Yoga". Retrieved 1/4/2011. 
  11. ^ Yogananda, Paramahansa (2005). Autobiography of a Yogi. United States of America: Self-Realization Fellowship. pp. p238, 263, 278 and p477 (footnote). ISBN 0-87612-079-6. 
  12. ^ King, George (1961). You Are Responsible. London: The Aetherius Society. ISBN 0-937249-03-3. 
  13. ^ "Dr king's Initial Contact in May 1954". Retrieved 1/4/2011. 
  14. ^ Abrahamson, Charles E, (1961). You Are Responsible. London: The Aetherius Society. pp. Preface. ISBN 0-937249-03-3. 
  15. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "The Management of The Aetherius Society". Retrieved 6/04/11. 
  16. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "The Aetherius Society". Retrieved 6/04/11. 
  17. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "The Management of the Aetherius Society". The Aetherius Society. Retrieved 1/04/2011. 
  18. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "Membership". Retrieved 6/04/11. 
  19. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "What Are the Main Beliefs of the Aetherius Society". Aetherius Retrieved 1/04/11. 
  20. ^ Saliba, John. A (December 1999). "The Earth is a Dangerous Place -- The World View of the Aetherius Society". Marburg Journal of Religion 4 (2): 19. Retrieved 1/04/2011. 
  21. ^ Lawrence, Richard; George king (1998). Realize Your Inner Potential - A Spiritual Workbook for the New Millenium. U.S: The Aetherius Society. pp. 1–140. ISBN 0937249165. 
  22. ^ King, George (1961). You Are Responsible 'The Initiation of Earth'. The Aetherius Society. pp. 145–159. 
  23. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "Who Are the Cosmic Masters". Retrieved 5/04/11. 
  24. ^ King, George (1958). The Twelve Blessings. U.S.: The Aetherius Society. pp. 1–63. ISBN 0937249025. 
  25. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "The 50th Anniversary Twelve Blesings Podcast". Retrieved 5/04/11. 
  26. ^ King, George. Karma and Reincarnation. U.S.: The Aetherius Society. pp. 1–22. 
  27. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "Karma". Retrieved 5/04/11. 
  28. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "Reincarnation". Retrieved 5/04/11. 
  29. ^ Lawrence, Richard (2010). UFO's and the Extraterrestrial Message. London: CICO Books. ISBN 9781907030154. 
  30. ^ Lawrence, Richard (1996). Contacts with the Gods from Space - Pathway to a New Millenium. The Aetherius Society. ISBN 0937249154. 
  31. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "Sayings of Dr George King". Retrieved 5/04/11. 
  32. ^ King, George. Visit to the Logos of Earth. The Aetherius Society. 
  33. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "The Logos of Earth". Retrieved 5/04/11. 
  34. ^ King, George (Dec 1961). You Are Responsible. US: The Aetherius Society. pp. 173. ISBN 0950649163. 
  35. ^ Books, Google. "New Scientist". Scooped by a UFO p 241. Retrieved 1/04/11. 
  36. ^ "Proof". Retrieved 2011-03-18. 
  37. ^ Mould, Richard Francis (2000). Chernobyl Record: The Definitive History of the Chernobyl Catastrophe. CRC Press. p. 48. ISBN 0-750-306-70X. 
  38. ^ King, George (1961). You Are Responsible. London: Aetherius Society. pp. 173. 
  39. ^ "What Are The Main Aims of The Aetherius Society?". Retrieved 2011-03-18. 
  40. ^ king, George. "Operation Prayer Power Introduction". Retrieved 6/04/11. 
  41. ^ Aetherius Society, The; Editor - George King (May & June 1966). "Operation Sunbeam - A Spiritual Mission for Mankind". The Aetherius Society News Letter (10 - 12). Retrieved 6/04/11. 
  42. ^ Aetherius Society, The; Editor - George King (October 1971). "Remarkable Story of Spiritual Energy Radiator in London Headquarters". The Aetherius Society News Letter (19 - 20). Retrieved 6/04/11. 
  43. ^ Aetherius Society, The; Editor - George King (January 1972). "Design of Temple Spiritual Energy Collector and Radiator Accepted by the Keepers of the Flame". The Aetherius Society News Letter (1). Retrieved 6/04/11. 
  44. ^ a b Out Of This World UFO contactee documentary, BBC May 1977
  45. ^ a b "Operation Prayer Power". Retrieved 2011-03-18. 
  46. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "Operation Sunbeam". Retrieved 23/04/11. 
  47. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "Operation Prayer Power - Is it possible to Store Positive Prayer Energy in a Physical Container?". Retrieved 10/04/11. 
  48. ^ Aetherius Society, The. "June 30th - The Start of Operation Prayer Power". Retrieved 10/04/11. 
  49. ^ James Randi Educational Foundation
  50. ^ Cosmic Voice 1: 9–10. December 1980. 
  51. ^ The Aetherius Society Newsletter 18: 4–6. January/ February 1989. 
  52. ^ Cosmic Voice 17. January/February 1996. 

External links